If you wish to buy or sell a model, please feel free to contact us and place a FREE advert here!
The following boats are being sold by the club on behalf of the family of our treasurer who sadly recently passed away. Please contact the club chairman for more information if required.
The speedboat below needs a receiver and transmitter. This one will certainly show an amazing turn of speed, offers in region of £200.00 please.
And this is one of those 'project boats', open to your imagination. It is a bare hull and there aren't any 'nice' surprises inside, it's empty!! Offers in the region of £75.00 please
Ridiculous statement ... have you got too many boats?!?! or are you looking to buy one? Send your request with photos to [email protected]
to advertise here.
Please note advertising is at your own risk and the club cannot be held responsible for any sales or purchases. This service is free of charge.